
The boys had another strong season and advanced to sectionals again. They lost a heartbreaker to CNS 4-3 to end their season. They finish 12-8 overall & 7-5 in the TVL. Led by the strong pitching of Michael Flint, Mike Catalando and Bobby Jock, they had a team ERA of 3.00. The offense was led by Flint (.360), Gifford (.409) and Meeks (.413). Although they did lose 6 seniors this year, they have some good talent coming back for next year.

RFA JV Baseball

RFA Mod Black Baseball

RFA Mod Orange Baseball
Baseball Coaches
DerCola, Jake | JV |
Tooley, Parker | 7/8 Mod. |
Manganaro, Carl | 7/8 Mod. |
Miller, Derek | Varsity Asst. |