CONCUSSION POLICY  - Rome City School District

A Concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury, a disruption in normal brain function due to a blow or jolt to the head, or a trauma induced alteration in metal status that may or may not involve loss of consciousness.

When the student has received a blow or jolt to the head AND 

  • Loss of consciousness OR 

  • Dazed and confused OR 

  • Post-traumatic amnesia OR 

  • Other signs and symptoms, such as alteration in mental state, headache, nausea, wobbly and uncoordinated slurred or garbled speech, mentally or physically slowed, or overly emotional or irritable. 

The individual doing the initial evaluation will look for the following:

The student will not be permitted to return to play in the current game, practice or class. The student should not be left alone for 24 hours and should be monitored for deterioration. The parent must be notified of the injury and advised. If the coach is with the student, he/she should notify the RFA athletic trainer as soon as he/she is able. There should be no return to play without physician clearance. 

While the student is symptomatic, they must avoid re-injury (organized sports, physical education classes, recess, recreational activities). They must also avoid physical and mental overexertion. Depending on the symptoms, school days may be shortened, no tests taken, reading assignment shortened. The best treatment is rest, relief (with medications), education, and accommodation. Resist pressures to return to play too soon. 

When the student is ready to return to play, they must be symptom free at rest and after physical and mental exertion. Return to play should follow a medically supervised step-wise progression that is coordinated between the primary care physician, the athletic trainer, the coach and the concussion management team (School psychologist, school doctor, athletic trainer, school nurse). The student’s history, duration of symptoms, and other factors must be considered. (See attached Return to play Protocol) 

In most cases, full recovery is in 7-10 days. Risk factors for slow incomplete recovery are prior brain illness or injury, learning disability or psychiatric disorder. Psychological complications such as depression, anxiety or loss of self-confidence should be considered. 

Rome City School District has switched to Sway Medical App to baseline test for concussion. Only student-athletes will be tested, due to the higher risk of concussion. The Sway app will allow the athletic trainer and medical staff to monitor the student-athletes symptoms and compare post injury to the baseline test. This app test the student-athletes balance, impulse, memory, and reaction time. This will help get our student-athletes back on the court or field safely. 

Swa app

What the Sway Medical App looks like.