Student Registration

To Register your child for the Early Childhood/Pre-K Program ONLY: Click Here

If your child is currently attending the Rome City School District Pre-K program at Clough, or MVCAA-Rome Head Start, please submit 3 new proofs of residency with your Intent to Register Form provided by your child’s teacher.  Current PreK families DO NOT go to home school to register their children.  Submission of the 3 proofs of residence AND Kindergarten Preference Form to the PreK Office at Clough is all that is required.  

The Student registration process during the summer will not be needing an appointment.  Registrations must have ALL required documents when submitted or we will not be able to accept them. 

Required documents are as follows:

1.   Birth Certificate 

2.  3 proofs of residence. Please see our below for acceptable documentation.

3.   Immunization records, if kindergarten

4.   Custody papers, if applicable

Laurie Cole

Student Registration

(Kindergarten through 12 grade)
Phone - 315-338-6569
Fax - 315-334-5045

To register:

Print out the PDF forms are available above!

What you need to bring to register:

Upon registration, any new student (or his/her parent/guardian) is required to present:

A. Proof of age (such as birth certificate, baptismal certificate, passport, or proper transfer papers). 

B. Record of immunizations and health certificate from a licensed physician in accordance with Policy 7050. 

C. Proof of residency. The parent/guardian must provide three (3) forms of proof to include at least one item from Regulation 7003.1 Chart 1 and two (2) items from Regulation 7003.1 Chart 2. The residence listed must be consistent with all submitted documents. 

Chart 1:
Landlord Statement 

Lease Agreement 
Pay Check Stub 
Income Tax Form 
Electric Utility Bill
Water Bill
Mortgage Statement


Chart 2:
Court Order

Government Issued Documents 
Drivers License 
Non-Drivers License 
Internet Service 
Bank Statement 
US Postal Address Change 
Phone Bills 
Voters Card
Auto Insurance 
Notarized Letter of Residency 
Credit Card Statements 

D. Last Report Card from previous school.
Custody papers, if child is not residing with both parents. If child will be residing with the non-custodial parent, then a parent affidavit will need to be filled out and submitted prior to registration.

F. State issued ID for registering parent(s)