Welcome to Gansevoort Elementary School

Home of the Gators

Bellamy Bulldog logo

Mission Statement

Gansevoort Elementary believes that our children are our future.

Our staff is dedicated to the academic and social success of our children through the use of best practice strategies.
We are committed to raising student achievement by 6% per year.
We expect dignity and respect in all interactions.


758 West Liberty Street

Rome, NY 13440

Phone: 315-334-5180

FAX: 315-334-7352


Principal Message

Dear Gator Community, 

As I begin my 4th year, my dedication to Gans and its community only grows.  We are a place where the "Gator Way" of respect, responsibility and safety are honored every day.  Please know my door is always open and I can be easily reached through Parent Square.  Have a great school year!

Gansevoort Library