Graduation June 25, 2022
Mandatory Rehearsal on June 24, Friday, at 9-11 at stadium support
(Diplomas are pulled from rehearsal and placed back at RFA where you pick them up on Monday)
Dress code enforced as indicated by the orange graduation permission slip-
No Jeans, sneakers, shorts, beachwear, work boots, or flip flops,
If you need clothes or shoes please let us know. We will get you a pair of appropriate shoes. We encourage you to bring them to rehearsal to check if there are ANY questions as to footwear.
Day of graduation please be there at 9:00 sharp, we march at 9:45.
Groups will be posted in the gym at stadium support, please remember your group number.
Senior Ball
Tickets will be on sale from May 16 to May 25 for $50 a piece. NO tickets will be sold after this date so please be sure to purchase your tickets no later than May 25th.
Sign up for your table when you buy your tickets, and you can only sign yourself up for tables, not your friends.
Dance hours are 7:30 to 11:00 with no entry after 9 and no leaving before 10:00.
Dinner menu includes: Chicken, pasta, salad, chocolate cake
Picnic ( All RCSD Code of Conduct Rules apply )
When: Friday, June 10, 2022
Go to the large gym at the end of 2nd period for bag check and search. Any nicotine products, especially vapes, will be an immediate removal from the picnic and you will not attend.
There will be Donuts on bus
Lunch will be served there, picnic lunch —-subs, chips, hamburgers, hot dog, water
Lifeguard for swimming at 11.
Back on Bus at 3:15.
If you need a ride home from RFA, please indicate so on the permission slip.
Bring sunscreen, bathing suit, fishing poles
Only need money for renting a boat or concession stand
Spirit week May 23 to 27
Monday Anything but a backpack day
Tues Western hat day/hat day
Wed. dress as your favorite teacher day
Thursday Throwback, (dress as you did when you were little)
Friday spirit day Wear your RFA pride wear.