Website Refresh
This weekend, the Rome City School District launched a new website and mobile app. The goal of launching at the end of the year is to obtain feedback and work on any improvements over the summer. Please take a moment to check out the new site at: and stay tuned for more updates.
The very last episode by these incredible seniors - Alana, Alanna, Alex, Kody and Kaiden. You guys will be missed. Watch their last episode here.
The tradition continues with the RFA Senior Walk through the elementary schools today! Kiddos welcomed our #classof2022 soon to be graduates!
Seniors return to visit favorite teachers from Strough. Mr. B, Adrianna, Kelly, Lauren, Nikki, Ally, Lily, and Mrs Mang.
Elementary students are so proud of the RFA Seniors - a great day indeed
Seniors return to visit favorite teachers from Strough. Mr. B, Adrianna, Kelly, Lauren, Nikki, Ally, Lily, and Mrs Mang.
Nice to see the students perform at the RFA Spring Concert (Instrumental) - June 7
Cap & Gown Pickup Information
Attention Seniors:
Your cap and gowns have arrived! Pick up will be outside the Knight Spot during lunch periods on Monday, June 13th and Tuesday, June 14th.
Please see Mrs. Campbell or Mrs. Witter if you have any questions, or email at or
Congratulations Graduates!! 🎓 Are you interested in purchasing commemorative flowers or gifts for your grad? Pre-order today and your items will be ready and waiting for you the day of the ceremony. Please keep in mind, we only accept cashless transactions the day of the ceremony! 💐🎓
RFA seniors donned their college gear on ‘Decision Day’ today, May 2 at RFA! May 1 is National College Decision Day — the date by which most students who have been accepted to colleges and universities around the country have to inform their school of choice that they will attend.