Rome City School District is celebrating Youth Art Month (Y.A.M.) in conjunction with Rome Art Teachers and the Rome Art Association. The 2023 theme for Y.A.M is YOUR ART, YOUR VOICE. Forty-three (43) select works of art from Rome students, K-12, will be showcased during the month of March at the Cinema Capitol Gallery, 230 W. Dominick Street, Rome from March 3-31, 2023.
There will be an Opening Reception on Friday, March 3 from 6-8 p.m. The show is made possible by the Rome Art Association and Rome Art Teachers.
Youth Art Month is celebrated in March every year. This month is set aside to celebrate and promote arts and arts education across the country. The month is specifically for the visual arts, and as the name suggests, is geared toward children of all ages. Youth Art Month came together to emphasize the importance of visual arts for children.
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