Flower Pot Family Lesson


In Mrs. Toby Jacobs-Mijolovic’s Family and Consumer Science classroom at Strough students discussed ways in which flowers in a pot were like families (you need to care for them and nurture them in order for them to thrive, they can easily become ill if neglected, daily care is needed, they’re strong, they come in all shapes/colors/sizes, etc).  Students were given their flowerpot and told to write things on the inside that can hurt/damage our families and relationships. They were to draw a crack on the outside for each item they wrote on the inside. They put masking tape over each crack and were told to write something on the tape that can repair relationships/families. They then planted flowers in their pots to take home. They understood that the lesson reinforced that just because our families/relationships may have some cracks, that doesn’t mean they can’t still help to nurture and grow something beautiful. This was a very powerful lesson and so many kids commented on how much they enjoyed it! 

-  Toby Jacobs-Mijolovic Family & Consumer Science Strough